A Faith Story · Everyday Stories

The Power of a Love Song

Music has always been a powerful force and connector for me. When I was young I would always think of the perfect song to communicate what I was thinking or feeling. Songs always seemed to say it better than I could.

Early in our relationship, my husband created a playlist for me. It was full of songs that spoke of his feelings for me and this ever-evolving playlist has become the soundtrack of our love story. When I’m feeling blue or just want a reminder of his love for me, I pull up that playlist and I’m immersed in reassurance and sweet memories. Those songs speak truth when my heart is doubtful.

Today as I listened to a somewhat random worship playlist a song from my college days began to play and I found myself on the verge of tears. While there is plenty of current worship music that moves me and draws me closer to Jesus, there was something special about hearing this song from a time in my life that I felt in a truly deep relationship with God. It was not when I first started walking with Christ, but it was the time I became truly intentional about it.

As I listened and fought back tears I realized how important songs from those “early days” really are. Those are like my “love songs” with Jesus. They remind me of His unending love for me and the way I first felt when I understood the depth of that love.

What are the songs that create the score to the best times in your life? I want to encourage you to go back to those; listen to those songs that remind you of truth and joy and hope. Let’s all go dust off those old CDs, records, or cassettes and journey back to those places of love and hope.

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